Autoimmune support supplements

This range of nutritionist-developed supplements targets autoimmune support by offering a holistic approach to enhancing immune regulation, supporting gut health, and promoting cellular wellbeing. It includes omega-3s and vitamin D for immune health, Saccharomyces boulardii and turmeric for digestive support, and DMG-15 and Chaga mushroom for cellular function.

How do these supplements support autoimmune health?

Immune support and inflammation management

  • Bioregulators: Short-chain amino acids (natural peptides) that regulate bodily systems; look out for the immune function stack.
  • JointPro: Provides topical support for joint pain and inflammation with natural peptides for deep regeneration.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Help reduce inflammation and modulate the immune response.
  • Vitamin D3 & K2: Crucial for immune health and reducing autoimmune activity.
  • Quercetin: Offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, potentially moderating immune function.

Gut health and digestive support

  • Saccharomyces boulardii: A probiotic that supports gut health, important for autoimmune management.
  • Fermented turmeric: Contains curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, supporting gut health.
  • Fermented ashwagandha: Helps reduce stress, which is important for maintaining a healthy gut-immune axis.

Cellular health and relaxation

  • DMG-15: Supports cellular metabolism and immune response.
  • Chaga mushroom: Boosts the immune system and supports cellular health.
  • Zinc picolinate: Essential for immune function and cellular repair.
  • CBG & hemp tea: Support the management of inflammation and promote relaxation.
  • Vitamin B complex: Vital for energy and proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Fermented valerian: Helps manage stress and improve sleep quality, which is important for autoimmune health.

Choosing the right autoimmune health supplements

  1. Hand holding ginger drinkIdentify your needs: Select specific supplements targeting your autoimmune challenges, focusing on immune balance and inflammation reduction, gut health, cellular function or stress management.
  2. Consider your diet and lifestyle: Supplements must complement a diet and lifestyle that support gut health and keep the body active and well-rested whilst reducing autoimmune triggers.
  3. Review interactions: Be aware of potential interactions between supplements and any autoimmune medications you may be taking.
  4. Consult with your doctor: Always discuss new supplements with your doctor to ensure they are appropriate for your condition.
  5. Monitor your response: Pay attention to how your body reacts to these supplements, adjusting as necessary to find what works best for you.

Our promise

All of our supplements are free from gluten, lactose, and soya, and contain no GMOs or chemical fillers, binders, or preservatives. The majority are suitable for those on a vegan or vegetarian diet, and all are made using high-quality ingredients with high bioavailability and suitability for anyone with a sensitive gut.